Distance learning students enjoy our concierge approach to technical support.
Our distance learning technology staff focuses solely on our students. They are here for you!
The SPHTM distance learning programs are supported by our DLTech team. They are an IT unit primarily devoted to supporting distance learning students and instructors.
DLTech - Provided Services
- Training and orientation in use of the virtual classroom and virtual campus tools
- Training and support with technical issues related to distance learning courses and materials
- Answers to tech “how to” questions and assistance in troubleshooting access or connectivity problems
For support, please contact Distance Learning Technical Support (also known as DLTECH) via email or phone. Our normal business hours are 10am-5pm central Monday through Friday, and when classes are in session, from 5pm-9.20pm central Monday through Thursday.
Email: dltech@tulane.edu
Phone: 877-580-3249 or 504-988-3851
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tucaephsupport
Follow us on Twitter for important updates, outages, and news related to distance learning.